Ecological Consultants, Flora and Fauna Assessments, 5-Part Tests of Significance

Anderson Environmental provides Flora and Fauna Reports (Ecological Assessments), 5-Part Tests of Significance (5-part test) and Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM Assessments) under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016. We are BAM Accredited Biodiversity Assessors and with full time Ecological Experience since 1992. We have worked for a broad range of clients ranging from Land Development for both private developers and government (Landcom, RTA, Department of Housing, Forestry, Department of Minerals and Energy etc) to Critical Infrastructure Projects such as highway upgrades, water supply corridors and wind farms. We also service individual clients who are building their own homes or undertaking other projects which require an Ecological Assessment. Our experience since 1992 in such a broad range of projects allows us to quickly identify any potential issues and therefore often results in large savings to our clients in time and cost. This applies from simple Development Applications to State Significant Developments (SSD).
A Flora and Fauna Report is often requested by council in order to assess the potential impacts of a proposal on any biodiversity on the site. This assessment must include all areas of impact including Bushfire Protection Zones, Effluent Disposal areas and any other clearing for services. Terms used for Flora and Fauna Reports often vary slightly by council areas and include terms such as;
- Flora and Fauna Impact Assessment
- Ecologist Report or Ecological Assessment
- Test of Significance (5-Part Test)
- Biodiversity Assessment Report (BAM Report)
- Ecological Impact Assessment
These are all however the same assessment and report just under differing names. Assessment requirements are determined by the Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016) and the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM). These set out the methodology which must be followed for such Ecological Assessments. Flora and Fauna Assessment Reports including the Five [5] Part’ Tests of Significance are undertaken in accordance with the requirements of 7.3 of the New South Wales (NSW) Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.
The 5-Part Test of Significance is designed to determine if a proposed development will require a Biodiversity Assessment Method Assessment (BAM Assessment) such as a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report often termed a BDAR Report. There is a clearing threshold which triggers if a more detailed BDAR Report is required and also a Biodiversity Values Map which shows mapped biodiversity. Your property can be searched to determine if it has mapped Biodiversity Values present (as published by the Minister for the Environment) online at;
A standard Flora and Fauna Report and 5-Part Test does not incur any Biodiversity Offset Costs (Offset Credits) under the Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS). Therefore it is important that early planning is undertaken for most developments to work out whether a development would require the more-simple and cost effective Flora and Fauna Report and 5-part test or a more thorough and more expensive Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR). Consideration of potential offset cost is an important consideration in Development Planning as often a proposal can be redesigned such that it reduces the Ecological Impact and does not therefore incur often expensive offset costs.
All projects affect the surrounding environment and ecosystems to varying degrees, and our goal is to determine the extent of your project’s potential impact, both negative and positive and offer sound best practice solutions. This often saves a lot of time and cost and with sound advice and planning from the outset of a project provision of reports to council and other consent authorities is undertaken in a logical and comprehensive manner.
The services we provide includes:
- Flora and Fauna Surveys (General and Targeted for Threatened Species)
- 5 Part Tests of Significance – Biodiversity Conservation Act (2016)
- Biodiversity Assessment Method Reports (BDAR and BSSAR)
- Species Impact Statements
- Habitat and Vegetation Mapping and Assessment
- Wetland Delineations
- Endangered Ecological Community Mapping and Delineation
- Pre-purchase inspections for ecological limitations
- Endangered Species Assessments
- Environmental Protection Assessments
- Biodiversity Conservation Assessments
- Biological Monitoring and Offsetting
Every project is different. As experienced Environmental Consultants and Consulting Ecologists since 1992 we have a diverse range of experience to assist you with many of your project requirements.
It is a good idea to engage an Environmental Consultant or Consulting Ecologist at the commencement of a project and sometimes even before a land purchase for project planning and to identify any potential issues in relation to any proposed development. We can undertake a Biodiversity Constraints Report or Biodiversity Offset Feasibility Report to determine if your project may trigger the NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme.
As Environmental Consultants (Sydney) we service the whole of New South Wales, including Greater Sydney, Western Sydney, the Blue Mountains, West of the Great Dividing Range, Central Coast, Newcastle, Hunter Valley, Wollongong and Illawarra, Southern Highlands, Shoalhaven, Port Macquarie, North Coast, and Central Western NSW. As we also undertake a range of other assessments such as Vegetation Management Plans, Contamination Reports and Assessments (PSI and DSI), Effluent Reports, Salinity and Acid Sulfate Assessments, just to name a few and as such we can assist you with many aspects of your project.
Schedule a consultation with our team of experienced environmental consultants today