As a leading environmental consulting company experienced hard working staff are essential to ensure that we continue to lead our industry and provide the high quality service that our customers have come to expect from us.
If you think you have what it takes to advance our business we would love to hear from you.
We are seeking an Environmental Scientist/Consultant with experience in Contaminated Land. We are seeking someone preferably with 3 years’ experience in the environmental consulting industry. The position is casual on an as needs basis.
- A relevant Bachelor-level university degree in the field of Engineering, Environmental Science, Geology etc.
- Experience undertaking Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI) under SEPP 55.
- Experience undertaking background research for PSI investigations
- Experience in undertaking Detailed Site Investigations (DSI) or ability to learn such skills highly desirable.
- Experience using soil sampling augers both hand and powered and description of soils is desirable.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team of professionals.
- Solid problem solving, analytical and conceptual skills.
- Strong communication skills, including technical report writing.
- Ability to work outdoors in field locations and a willingness to travel is essential.
- A full current NSW driver’s licence.
- Ability to work with contract drillers and also operate a truck mounted drill rig is desirable.
We are seeking a motivated and enthusiastic Casual Ecologist/Environmental Scientist. We are seeking someone preferably with 3 years’ experience in the environmental consulting industry. The position is casual on an as needs basis.
- A relevant Bachelor-level university degree in the field of Ecology, Environmental Science, Botany, Zoology or another relevant discipline.
- A minimum of 3 years practical experience undertaking field-based surveys, data analysis and reporting, preferably in a consulting capacity.
- Experience in application of the NSW biodiversity planning framework, Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and BAM Plots.
- Experience undertaking ecological survey with sound skills in the identification of the vegetation communities of NSW.
- Working knowledge of relevant NSW and Commonwealth environmental legislation and planning policies in relation to field surveys and report writing.
- Previous experience in preparing ecological reports such as ecological impact assessments, monitoring reports and management plans, 5-part tests, BDAR Reports, including Vegetation Management Plans.
- Experience in Fauna Relocation desirable.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a team of professionals.
- Solid problem solving, analytical and conceptual skills.
- Strong communication skills, including technical report writing.
- Ability to work outdoors in field locations and a willingness to travel is essential.
- A full current NSW driver’s licence.
- Accredited BAM assessor (desirable).