Hornsby Quarry Restoration

Anderson Environmental is proud to be working with Hornsby Shire Council to provide Flora and Fauna Reporting, Impact Assessment and advice for the redevelopment and Ecological Restoration of the former Hornsby Quarry area. Being a significant feature of the Hornsby Local Government Area this old quarry is being master planned into a significant recreational and ecological facility for the community. The redevelopment of the area focuses on the use of existing disturbed areas and the ecological restoration of other disturbed areas which are degraded and contain weed infestations from previous use. The works involve formal development of some of the informal bike tracks along with the development of raised boardwalk areas thus reducing any Ecological and Environmental Impacts. As experienced Ecological and Environmental Consultants Anderson Environmental Pty Ltd has experience since 1992 assisting clients with a wide range of projects. We work for both private developers and government clients providing Flora and Fauna Reports, 5-part tests, Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR), Preliminary Site Investigations (PSI) SEPP 55 and Detailed Site Investigations (DSI) along with a range of Soils Assessments, Effluent Reports and Vegetation Management Plans. We assist clients to understand the requirements of Offsetting of Biodiversity Credits under the Biodiversity Offset Scheme (BOS). With experience since 1992 working with small to large developers, local and state government along with work on small projects right up to large scale critical infrastructure projects we have the knowledge and experience to assist our clients quickly and efficiently. Please give us a call today or send us you proposal and enquiry through our online portal and upload your plans and proposal information so we can promptly assist you with your project enquiry.

A video detailing this project on 7 News is provided below;