Coronavirus (Covid-19) Protection
At Anderson Environmental we take the risk of Coronavirus very seriously. We will be continuing to work during this time to service our clients in accordance with government guidelines.
In the business of Environmental Consulting we are fortunate in that we in most cases do not need to meet our clients thus limiting any risk of exposure to Coronavirus. We are often working in the field and 95% of the time have no face to face contact with our clients.
Having worked since 1992 as Environmental Consultants and Ecological Consultants as well as in contaminated lands undertaking SEPP 55 and Prelinimary and Detailed Site Investigations we are well aware of the risks of hazards from inhalation of volatile and other hazardous chemicals. We have training in HAZWOPER (Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response) so are well aware of the risks involved in the current situation with Coronavirus (Covid-19).
Wearing Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for is highly important for us in our work and in regard to protection from Covid-19 we believe everyone should follow the government guidelines and limit travel and contact including good personal hygiene like hand washing. Additionally we believe everyone should be wearing some sort of respiratory protection even if it is just a simple scarf to cover the mouth and nose. This provides some droplet protection whilst also importantly protecting your face from any accidental hand touches.
We urge everyone to be patient with the current Covid-19 Coronavirus situation and relax in knowing that with patience and good sanitary and health practices (like social distancing) in accordance with the government guidelines that this will soon be a historical event for us all.